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Technologies around SFERICS-HEADPHONES internationally renowned

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Florian M. König will be awarded the NiBB Innovation Prize 2024

Mülheim/Germany, July 2024.

On Friday, September 20th at 6 p.m., the NiBB Innovation Prizes will be awarded at the Unperfekthaus in Essen, Germany. This year's winner is Dr.Sc. (US), Dipl.-Ing. (Fh) Florian M. König, researcher and developer of nature-compliant technologies and entrepreneur, category Business/Ecology.

Bi-laterally Supports - "First German Female Astronaut 2020"

Florien König trifft NIcola Baumann

November 23, 2017

F. M. König met Ms. Nicola Winter (ex Baumann; DE fighter pilot) was one of the candidates for the ISS 2020 flight during a symposium in Munich / Nov. 23th 2017. Now she becames ESA reserve candidate or successor for future flights to the ISS beginning 2023. After our sponsoring in April 2017 we exchanged ideas how to support astronauts by an additional nature-related ISS habitat for instance by SFERICS fields (see posters background at the foto related to our world new "fair weather field" emitting SFERICS-HEADPHONES SH-S1). Or as well a probable use of our "electrosmog" neutralizing MHR devices to reduce negative effects of an artificial electro-magnetic climate at the ISS. A highly topical "Peer Reviewed Paper" 2022 in the Japan. Journal of Medicine according to JJM168 convinces that this is extremely relevant.

Honoring lecture presentation at the parlament of Slovenia (Europe)

Vortrag in Slowenien

Ljubliana, November 30, 2017

As documentation one fotograph's during the talk and the official security entering ID card to cross the parlaments border. There were presented our SFERICS-HEADPHONES SH-S1 and the world unique electrosmog neutralizing tubes & can's devices as well. The lectures title was: "Natural And Problematic Man Made Artificial Field Pollutions at the Earths Atmosphere – Countermeasures for a Health Protecting Habitat".

Vortrag in Slowenien Vortrag in Slowenien

Reference users are, for example, Dr. med. Kay Polonius in the Prienamed Medical Center Munich, Naturopath Dennis Lindner, Holosync3D / Blueliners, etc. for their therapeutic patient treatments with music. More references of our company see here.

We are online: Sferics-Noise in Space

Sferics Noice in Space

Base on our leader sponsoring in April 2017, we are symbiotically linked to the initiative "First Astronaut 2020 in Space". There will be research projects during the stay at the Int. Space Station (ISS), which were announced on 16.2.2018 at the press conference in Munich Garching (Tech. University) just focused on the new astronaut candidate Dr. Suzanna Randall. In addition was presented on the media our ISS research project proposal to create a nature-related SFERICS EMF habitat in the orbit by F. M. König! The SFERICS-HEADPHONES SH-S1 are a variant to use fair weather SFERICS fields (EMF) additionally.